About This Blog.

Mainly this blog will get some information about components of language and semantics as main priority. Also i will share some information about experiences in the classroom that could help our knowledge and contribute to improve skills of the english language.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014



Synonyms: words that have nearly the same meaning.
 Examples:  Dirty - Naughty - Nasty are synonyms, 
                  Pretty - Beautiful are synonyms too.

Antonyms: words that have opossite meaning.

Example:  Hot - Cold are antonyms
               Tall - Short are antonyms too

Homonyms: Words that sound alike but their meaning is different.

Example: Blue - Blew are homonyms,
               Ice - Eyes are homonyms too.

Analogies:  Impled relationship between two pairs.
Example: Up is a down as tall is a short, Cat is a meow as dog is a woof.

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