About This Blog.

Mainly this blog will get some information about components of language and semantics as main priority. Also i will share some information about experiences in the classroom that could help our knowledge and contribute to improve skills of the english language.

martes, 8 de abril de 2014


A polysemy is a word or symbol that has more than one meaning. In order to be considered a polysemy, a word has to have separate meanings that can be different, but related to one another.


Homophones are words that have exactly the same sound (pronunciation) but different meanings and (usually) spelling.

   Example: Hour - Our              


Homograph is a word spelled like another word but that is different in origin, meaning and pronuntiation


is a word that describes things more specifically in the same group


is a repetition of similar sounds in two or more words, used in poems and songs


The semantic relation that holds between a whole and its parts

About that: this concepts are significant because are things that is not present but is important at moment to learn the english language, also is so interesting for me and my process as proffessor in the future.

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